The theme of World Breastfeeding Week #wbw2024: Closing the gap: breastfeeding support for all https://worldbreastfeedingweek.org.
In Switzerland, WBW is being celebrated this year from 14 to 21 September 2024. It provides an opportunity to talk about the benefits of breastfeeding, reaching out to all those involved in the health sector, as well as decision-makers and parents. There are many gaps in the support and protection of breastfeeding. By addressing them, we are already taking a step forward.
- Programme WBW 2024 at Geneva University Hospitals HUG (information boot, workshops, breastfeeding consultation), see details here https://www.hug.ch/smam-2024 GIFA will be present on the paediatric stand, come and talk to us.
- Programme SMAM 2024 in Switzerland, voir ici Fondation Promotion allaitement maternel suisse
- Identify gaps in Switzerland : see Rapport WBTi Suisse 2020
We live in a world where the vast majority of women choose to breastfeed. Yet very few are able to breastfeed for as long as they wish, and the poorer women are, the less likely they are to achieve their breastfeeding goals. This enormous inequality, which violates women’s right to breastfeed their children for as long as they wish, is clearly due to structural, organisational, interpersonal and community factors that determine infant feeding choices. These include aggressive and misleading marketing by the infant formula industry, weak implementation of the International Code, lack of maternity/parental leave, lack of support in the workplace and in the community. WABA’s action pack describes the main causes of inequalities at different levels and proposes actions to close the gaps.
- Action Folder WABA (in 8 languages)
- Breastfeeding and woman’s health et child’s health
- Breastfeeding and planet’s health, greenfeeding and protection of resources
- Identify gaps in other countries WBTi international
Photo credit https://aleitamento.com.br/secoes/waba/semana-mundial-de-aleitamento-2024-tema-definido/21442/