Support us by becoming a member
If you support IBFAN-GIFA’s mission and values and want to have the possibility to participate in the work of the organization, sign up to become a member.
Support our projects by donating
If you would like to contribute to our cause and in particular support our advocacy work in favour of breastfeeding, please make a donation to GIFA. Thank you in advance for your donation. Your generosity means a lot to us!
Support us by relaying our news
Relay our newspost on social networks, distribute our newsletter or share the pages of our website to publicise our action and our commitment. Many thanks in advance.
Funding policy
Please note that GIFA observes IBFAN’s (International Baby Food Action Network) funding policy. Therefore, we do not seek or accept funds, donations, gifts or sponsorship from manufacturers or distributors (or their trusts or foundations) of infant and young child feeding and related products.