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Network of exchanges on breastfeeding, without conflicts of interest and without commercial influence, for the prevention programme Walk and eat smart! of the Canton of Geneva.


In response to a request from the Canton of Geneva as part of its “Walk, eat smart” prevention programme, and in line with GIFA’s mission, we have created the “breastfeeding platform”, now renamed the “Geneva Breastfeeding Network”. The Network aims to

1- Bring together all actors in contact with the mother and her family, to share information, network and provide support regarding breastfeeding, in compliance with the International Code, without conflicts of interest and without commercial aims.

2- Disseminate the idea of the continuum, i.e. that breastfeeding is an integral part of the pregnancy-birth-breastfeeding continuum, it is a physiological, immunological but also psychological continuum.

“Breastfeeding afternoon” with GIFA

Launched in 2022, the “Breastfeeding Afternoons” are online training and exchange sessions. Their aim is to bring together the many skills and goodwill that are scattered across the canton of Geneva. Each “Breastfeeding Afternoon” is devoted to a specific theme.

  • Next online “Breastfeeding Afternoon” on Tuesday 25 March 2025, 1-3pm on Breastfeeding and Medication, with information on galactogogues, with Claire Girollet, Pharmacist IBCLC. Le lien Zoom : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83186482713
    ID : 831 8648 2713 is free. To obtain the 2 e-log points, please make a donation of 10 CHF to GIFA with the mention “Après-midi allaitement” and send us your email address. When you request a certificate by email, please attach proof of payment of the donation.
  • The 5th “Breastfeeding Afternoon” took place on Tuesday 25 Nov 2024, 1-3pm on Solids for the breastfed Baby, with MD Hélène Leyder
  • The 4th “Breastfeeding Afternoon” took place on Tuesday 12 March 2024, 1-3pm. Details are published here.
  • The 3rd “Breastfeeding Afternoon” took place on Tuesday 21 November 2023 1pm-3pm, Training on the theme: Composition of breast milk and its bio-dynamic role. Speakers: Véronique Darmangeat (Centre allaitement Paris) and Aurélie Guillemot (Centre de nutrition infantile CNI, HUG Genève).
  • To receive information about future breastfeeding afternoons and other GIFA activities, please sign up for the Réseau-Allaitement newsletter by sending an email to info@gifa.org.

For all other events please check the Breastfeeding Training page and the Events page

GIFA Video 2021: 5 most commun breastfeeding problems

Tutorial video video produced by GIFA in 2021 lasting 15 minutes. Feel free to use and share.

Deontology and ethics

At a time when much is being said about the conflicts of interest affecting the world of health, and in the light of the revelations in the Lancet Breastfeeding Series 2023 about the aggressive marketing and overriding influence of infant food manufacturers, we feel it is important to point out the following

History of the activites of the Geneva breastfeeding network

Available in French, please check here Latest Newsletter September 2023

New poster 2021 – Réseau allaitement Genève

A4 format with QR Code that takes you to the information page for parents. We can send you copies on request to info@gifa.org