Civil Society
IBFAN – International Breast-Feeding Action Network

IBFAN – plenty of information
- International website https://www.ibfan.org/
- Baby Milk Action website (IBFAN UK) http://www.babymilkaction.org/
- All other IBFAN websites worldwide https://www.ibfan.org/ibfan-websites/
Projects developed by IBFAN
- Continuous Monitoring of the International Code of marketing https://www.ibfan.org/international-code/
- WBC World Breastfeeding Conference
- WBTi World Breastfeeding Trends initiative
- WBCi World Breastfeeding Cost initiative – tool to calculate the real cost of investing in breastfeeding, for what benefit. In other words, what is the price of not breastfeeding.
- Green Feeding https://www.ibfan.org/infant-and-young-child-feeding-health-and-environmental-impacts/
- Green Feeding (healthy local infant foods) on GIFA website https://www.gifa.org/en/international-2/green-feeding/
- Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) https://www.ibfan.org/infant-feeding-in-emergencies/
- Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) on GIFA website https://www.gifa.org/en/international-2/crisis-situations/
GIFA works closely with the other IBFAN regional offices:
- IBFAN Africa
- IBFAN Latin America and the Caribbean
- IBFAN North America INFACT Canada
- IBFAN Arab World
- IBFAN Asia
- Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)
- IBFAN Oceania
- IBFAN office responsible for Baby Milk Action campaigns.
- See also the documents by the ICDC International Code Documentation Center
Child Rights Connect

Child Rights Connect is committed to realizing children’s rights around the globe. It is an independent, non-profit network made up of more than 85 national, regional, and international organisations. CRC acknowledges its duty to be as effective and efficient as possible, as well as to be transparent, accountable, and responsive to all our stakeholders, including children. The implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) can only happen if children’s rights are seen as a package and all rights are taken into account in all actions.
FIAN – Food First Information and Action Network

FIAN is an international non-profit human rights organization that campaigns for the realization of the right to food. FIAN’s vision is a world without hunger, in which every woman, every man and every child can fully enjoy their human rights with dignity, and in particular their right to adequate nutrition, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.
WABA – World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action

WABA is a global network of individuals and organizations working to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Every year, WABA organises World Breastfeeding Week around a specific theme. IBFAN is one of the main partners of WABA, and IBFAN-GIFA serves as focal point for the European region for the WABA network.
ETO Consortium

ETO Consortium is a network of about 80 civil society organizations working in the field of human rights, including IBFAN-GIFA, and academics. ETO – or extra-territorial obligations – are states’ human rights obligations to people outside their territories. These obligations have so far been underused, whereas they are crucial to face the challenges arising from globalization. The goal of ETO Consortium is to address the human rights protection flaws created by the negligence of ETOs.
Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition

Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition is a public interest initiative of international civil society organizations and social movements, including peasants, fishermen, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, and workers in the field of food and agriculture. The network creates a space for dialogue and mobilization of its members to make states accountable for their obligation to fulfill the right to food and nutrition. IBFAN-GIFA is a member of this network.
International organizations
WHO – World Health Organization
WHO is the lead and coordinating authority in the field of health, for work of an international dimension within the United Nations system. It is responsible for leading global health action, defining health research agendas, setting standards and criteria for infant and young child feeding, presenting evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing trends in public health. The IBFAN network, represented by IBFAN-GIFA, and HAS official relations with WHO.
UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNICEF is a global authority aiming to influence decision-makers to build a world where the rights of every child is realized. Its mandate is to advocate for measures to enable children to get the best possible start in life, and thus create a world without barriers to breastfeeding.