Support our projects by donating
If you would like to contribute to our cause and in particular support our advocacy work in favour of breastfeeding, please make a donation payable to GIFA.
By Bank transfer
via QR Code
GIFA – Association genevoise pour l’alimentation infantile, Genève
Name of the bank: UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN for payments in CHF : CH76 0483 5096 6200 8100 3
Clearing number: 4835
Name of the account : BIC/SWIFT : CRESCHZZ80A
Designation: GIFA / IBFAN
Account number: 966200-81-3
Notre adresse: GIFA, 1200 Genève, Suisse
By Postfinance transfer
Name: Postfinance, CH-3030 BERNE
IBAN for payments in CHF: CH17 0900 0000 1201 7653 5
Account number: 12-17653-5
Our address: GIFA, 1200 Genève, Suisse
Thank you for your donation. Your generosity means a lot to us!
Support our mission and values by becoming a member
If you support IBFAN-GIFA’s mission and values and want to have the possibility to participate in the work of the organization, sign up to become a member.
Application for membership should be made to the Gifa Executive Board by email (info@gifa.org, with subject (Re) “Become a Member” indicated).
The application should describe in a few sentences your motivation to become a member. For an institutional application (collective membership), a copy of the organization’s bylaws must also be included. The applicant agrees to accept the goals of Gifa, to promote them and to have no conflicts of interest with them. (see statuts: https://www.gifa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GIFA-Statuts-2022.pdf)
The decision of the board will be communicated to you by email.
Funding policy
Please note that GIFA observes IBFAN’s (International Baby Food Action Network) funding policy. Therefore, we do not seek or accept funds, donations, gifts or sponsorship from manufacturers or distributors (or their trusts or foundations) of infant and young child feeding and related products.