Accueil > Actualités > 72nd session of the Committee of the Child: Countries recommended to improve Code implementation and enforcement

The 72nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC Committee) took place in Geneva from 17 May to 3 June 2016. The Committee reviewed the progress of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 7 countries: Bulgaria, Gabon, Nepal, Pakistan, Samoa, Slovakia and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). IBFAN submitted alternative reports on the situation of infant and young child feeding in 4 of the reviewed countries (Gabon, Nepal, Pakistan and UK). Spanish and French summaries of the alternative reports were prepared in order to inform Spanish- and French-speaking members of the Committee (see

In its Concluding Observations, the CRC Committee referred specifically to breastfeeding for 5 of the 7 countries under review (Bulgaria, Gabon, Samoa, Slovakia and UK).